ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з іноземними вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.
Долучайтеся до нашого телеграм-каналу й першими дізнавайтеся розклади занять та інші новини проєкту.
1. English with Mark. Days of the week
Час: 7 грудня, 14:00
Для кого: 6–10 років
Вестиме: Mark Long, English teacher
This week’s English lesson is the “Days of the week.” We will also be learning “yesterday was, today is and tomorrow will be”. We will be reading the book and singing the song “Today is Monday”
2. English with Elsa. IMAGES: a 100 Words 3
Час: 7 грудня, 15:00
Для кого: 8–16 років
Вестиме: Elsa Canário, Cambridge English Examiner, Portugal
English speaking activity – describing, speculating about different images, and expressing your feelings and opinions. See you soon! До зустрічі! Elsa with Love
3. The Science of Sound at the Winspear Centre!
Час: 7 грудня, 18:00
Для кого: 6–18 років
Вестиме: Stephanie Jolly, the Musical Creativity Coordinator at Edmonton’s Winspear Centre of Music, has taught music in school from Grades 1–8 and has also taught private voice and piano lessons. She has a Music degree from the University of Toronto, specializing in Music Education and an Education degree from Brock University. Her main instrument is voice, but she has loved playing trumpet since the age of 7 years old.
Join us at the Winspear for the Science of Sound! Learn about decibels in our world and discuss ideas of sound production and how music is created. We will then move to our concert hall to explore acoustics and conduct an experiment! Figure out what makes a sound, sounds great!
4. Writing a Fiction (=made-up) Story
Час: 7 грудня, 19:00
Для кого: 15–18 років
Вестиме: Susan Isaac, a retired teacher from Alberta now living in British Columbia, taught mainly high school English, with the majority of teaching online.
Spontaneous story writing – let’s create a story with input from everyone. Please come with lots of ideas!
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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)