ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з іноземними вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.
Якщо ви відвідуєте зустрічі, пройдіть, будь ласка, коротеньке опитування ось тут. Це допоможе нам краще вас знати.
1. Speaking Skills for Life
Час: 14 вересня, 11:00
Для кого: 11–13 років
Вестиме: Elsa Canário, Cambridge English Examiner, Portiugal.
Let’s keep improving your speaking skills!
Let’s explore Speaking Part 1 and Speaking Part 2 of Cambridge Exams!
2. “School Things” & “Welcome back to school”
Час: 14 вересня, 14:00
Для кого: 6–10 років
Вестиме: Mark Long, is an English teacher from the USA, who lives in Vienna, Austria.
All of the school things in my school bag and pencil case. Key phrases, “this is & these are”.
3. Pokémon the Card Game: How to Play and How to Create Our Own Cards
Час: 14 вересня, 16:00
Для кого: 10–15 років
Вестиме: Nathan Treloar, Grade 4 teacher, also known as Mr. T. He lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
We will learn about the Pokémon Collectible Card game, how to play it, and how we can create our own cards using the materials found in our home. Please bring any kind of paper, a pencil, a ruler, and any other art supplies if you have them.
4. Learn English with Podcasts
Час: 14 вересня, 17:00
Для кого: 12–18 років
Вестиме: Erkam Yaman, English teacher, Turkey.
Hello, lobsters! In that lesson, I’m gonna tell you my secret way of learning English which is through Podcasts.
5. Would Anyone Like to Go for a Flight?
Час: 14 вересня, 18:00
Для кого: 10+ років
Вестиме: Philipa Daria Filip, engineer, teacher, and photographer. Born in Toronto, Canada, currently living in Paris. Polish/Ukrainian roots are very close to my heart.
What it is like to fly an airplane? An introduction to how you need to use a map, and all the topics you need to learn to plan a flight successfully. Again it would be open ages, but specific math information and language geared to students above the age of 10.
6. Writing a Science Fiction Story
Час: 14 вересня, 19:00
Для кого: 15–18 років
Вестиме: Susan Isaac, a retired teacher from Alberta now living in British Columbia, Canada. Taught mainly high school English, with the majority of teaching online.
Spontaneous story writing – let’s create a story with input from everyone. Please come with lots of ideas!
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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)