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6 Липня 2022

Пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей з іноземними вчителями. 7 липня

ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з українськими вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.

Тут є окремий розклад та лінки на зустрічі з українськими вчителями.


Якщо ви відвідуєте зустрічі, пройдіть, будь ласка, коротеньке опитування ось тут. Це допоможе нам краще вас знати.


1. What is a Сelebration?

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 14:00

Для кого: 6–10 років

Вестиме: Mark Long, English teacher

Let’s celebrate everything we have learned together! How do we say goodbye, while still knowing we will see each other again? Song: “What a Wonderful World”.

2. Draw and Fun with Adam from Tokyo

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 15:00

Для кого: 6–12 років

Вестиме: Adam Anderson, Artist, Illustrator, and teacher based in Tokyo, Japan

We will read books, discuss stories, have a lot of fun, and draw together!

3. Card Games to Play with Friends and Family

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 15:00

Для кого: 10–15 років

Вестиме: Nathan Treloar, Grade 4 teacher, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

We will learn card games that we can play with a deck of 52 cards. We will learn how to play the game with other people using the same deck of cards. We will also play the game with a partner in a Breakout Room on Zoom. Please bring a standard deck of 52 cards if you have one. (If you do not have a deck of cards you are still welcome to join the lesson!)

4. All Around the World: Part 9 National Holidays and Festivals

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 16:00

Для кого: 10–18 років

Вестиме: Anna Vorbek, English teacher

What is the correct order for these special events: Easter, Kupala Night, Chinese New Year, Eid Al Adha. Every month there are national holidays and festivals in different countries to celebrate something important – let’s take a look and learn why these events are so important in our different cultures.

5. Poetry Study – Imagery and a Famous Poem

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 17:00

Для кого: 13–18 років

Вестиме: Bonnie McComb, High school English teacher and teacher-librarian from Vancouver Island, Canada

This is a series on poetic devices and practice writing since poetry is short and easy to do together.

6. Figures of Speech

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 18:00

Для кого: 15-18 років

Вестиме: Susan Isaac, High School English teacher, British Columbia

This session will focus on the basic figures of speech. We will complete an overview of the most common ones and learn about some not-so-common ones. We will explore the definitions of each, read some examples of them and students will be encouraged to provide their own examples, either made up or from literature, they are familiar with.

7. Canadian Dogs and Horses

Лінк на зум

Час: 7 липня, 19:00

Для кого: 6–12 років

Вестиме: Elaine Jones, Manager, Edmonton Public Library

Do you love animals? So do we! Two of our favourite animals are dogs and horses. Come to learn about the history of working dogs and horses in Canada. Learn about the jobs they do, the equipment they use, and then enjoy a story out in the pasture with our horses.

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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)
