ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з іноземними вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.
Долучайтеся до нашого телеграм-каналу й першими дізнавайтеся розклади занять та інші новини проєкту.
1. Music, Movement and Story
Час: 8 листопада, 10:00
Для кого: 6–10 років
Вестиме: Setsuko Toyama, Ayako Oiwa, Setsuko Toyama and Ayako Oiwa are English teachers from Japan
We will read “The Longest Journey in the World” to discover wonderful things around our house.
2. More Anime, Manga, Chibi character drawing
Час: 8 листопада, 16:00
Для кого: 7–18 років
Вестиме: Barbara Derrick, has worked in art education for more than 30 years and she is the owner of Native Studio Art. She lives in Alberta with her husband and enjoys cycling in different countries
Learn how to draw cute mini anime characters.
3. Stories of Early Alberta
Час: 8 листопада, 18:00
Для кого: 10–18 років
Вестиме: Gail de Vos, Gail de Vos is a storyteller, author, and educator and teaches courses on storytelling, Canadian Children’s Literature, and Comic Books and Graphic Novels at the University of Alberta in the Faculty of Library and Information Studies.
Gail tells stories of early Alberta history augmented with background information and photographs relevant to the stories and the area. Her tales incorporate topics such as place names, pioneer endeavours, and the importance of sharing stories. She will include several universal folktales that are pertinent to this historical backdrop.
4. Interview with Karina from Ukraine
Час: 8 листопада, 19:00
Для кого: 12–18 років
Вестиме: Erkam, English teacher
We are going to talk to Karina about her online flower & fruit shop 🙂
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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)