ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з українськими вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.
Розклад українських зустрічей дивіться тут.
Якщо ви відвідуєте зустрічі, пройдіть, будь ласка, коротеньке опитування ось тут. Це допоможе нам краще вас знати.
1. The Story about the Circle
Час: 9 серпня, 12:00
Для кого: 12–17 років
Вестиме: Thieu Nguyen comes from Vietnam and is in her 3rd year of Bachelor of Science and Education at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.
The teacher will explain the concept of Food Chains through PowerPoint slides with lots of images and videos. Students will learn about different animals and what kind of food these animals need to eat to survive. There will also be a Kahoot and Booklet!
2. How Our Eyes See
Час: 9 серпня, 14:00
Для кого: 10–15 років
Вестиме: Jawid Ahmady is a teacher from Malaysia
This is a class on eye functions and on eye health with a Kahoot quiz at the end. Jay loves teaching about the eye because he thinks the eyes are the window to our brain.
3. Sculpture Animals – Bison
Час: 9 серпня, 16:00
Для кого: будь-який вік
Вестиме: Barbara Derrick, the owner of Native Studio Art, Alberta, Canada
Barbara will share with you another favorite art form – the bison. Learn about the art and where the bison used to roam on the flat lands we call the prairies in Canada.
4. Pokémon the Card Game: How to Play and How to Create Our Own Cards
Час: 9 серпня, 17:00
Для кого: 10–15 років
Вестиме: Nathan Treloar, Grade 4 teacher, also known as Mr. T., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
We will learn about the Pokémon Collectible Card game, how to play it, and how we can create our own cards using the materials found in our home. Please bring any kind of paper, a pencil, a ruler, and any other art supplies if you have them.
5. Inside the Orchestra: Instrument Exploration
Час: 9 серпня, 18:00
Для кого: будь-який вік
Вестиме: Stephanie Jolly, the Musical Creativity Coordinator at Edmonton’s Winspear Centre of Music, has taught music in school from Grades 1–8 and has also taught private voice and piano lessons. She has a Music degree from the University of Toronto, specializing in Music Education, and an Education degree from Brock University.
Explore several fascinating instruments with staff from the Winspear Centre (home of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra). Find out more about each instrument family and hear how each instrument sounds with a short demo. For our finale, a professional musician will discuss what it takes to play at such a high level and demo some beautiful music.
6. Math: Adding up to 10
Час: 9 серпня, 19:00
Для кого: 5–7 років
Вестиме: Susan Grant-Suttie, a Middle School teacher from Calgary, Canada
How high can you count? Do you know Nearpod?
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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)