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31 Серпня 2022

Пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей з іноземними вчителями. 1 вересня

ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з іноземними вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.


Якщо ви відвідуєте зустрічі, пройдіть, будь ласка, коротеньке опитування ось тут. Це допоможе нам краще вас знати.


1. Mr. McGee

Лінк на зум

Час: 1 вересня, 10:00

Для кого: 410 років

Вестиме: Christine Sherry, a primary school teacher in Australia for 30 years and a lover of books.

If you love sharing picture story books, come and join me for an hour of reading. My four children have grown up and left home so I would love the opportunity to read with you. Together we will meet new characters, visit strange lands, and be inspired, amused, and entertained. We can practice some English and explore Australia (and beyond).

2. Yoshi’s Book Club

Лінк на зум

Час: 1 вересня, 12:00

Для кого: 1012 років

Вестиме: Yoshi Fernando, is a university student from Australia who is studying primary education and business. Some things he loves to do for fun are kickboxing, boxing, and watching TV shows.

In today’s class, we will be reading a book called “The Industrialist”. We will also be looking at the book’s connections to climate change. Please join us for a fun and exciting class!

3. Draw and Have Fun with Adam

Лінк на зум

Час: 1 вересня, 15:00

Для кого: 612 років

Вестиме: Adam Anderson, Artist, Illustrator, and teacher based in Tokyo, Japan

Come and enjoy this lesson. We will read funny books and draw cool characters together.

4. Gentle Yoga Class with Linda (& her dog Rider)

Лінк на зум

Час: 1 вересня, 18:00

Для кого: 599 років

Вестиме: Linda Shore, a seasoned Yoga Instructor

This session will introduce you to Linda (and her cute dog Rider) and give you a chance to try her gentle yoga class. Linda teaches yoga, and her class will start with healthy breathing exercises, and transition into some fun yoga poses and movements that are designed to refresh your body and relax your mind. The class is suitable for all ages all you have to be able to do is breathe and move your body.

5. Wonderful Wildlife

Лінк на зум

Час: 1 вересня, 19:00

Для кого: 612 років

Вестиме: Elaine Jones, Manager, Edmonton Public Library

Join Edmonton Public Library’s Nataliya as she shares stories of animals she sees around her home. Learn about local wildlife in Western Canada! Nataliya speaks Ukrainian and the presentation will be delivered in both Ukrainian and English.

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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)
