ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з іноземними вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.
Якщо ви відвідуєте зустрічі, пройдіть, будь ласка, коротеньке опитування ось тут. Це допоможе нам краще вас знати.
1. Swimming with Whale Sharks in Western Australia
Час: 10 вересня, 10:00
Для кого: 5–8 років
Вестиме: Sarah Rathmell, is from Sydney Australia. She is a Primary School teacher and presently teaches year 1.
Have you ever heard of a whale shark? These gigantic creatures swim off Australia. Come on a journey to see what it was like swimming with them.
Час: 10 вересня, 11:00
Для кого: 15+ років
Вестиме: Suzanne O’Connor has taught English in the country and urban New South Wales, Toronto, rural India as well as Kolkata and very remote Timor Leste for over fifty years. She remains passionate about teaching and reading. Teaching Shakespeare brings her great joy. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
We will use Hamlet’s seven soliloquies by studying and discussing what each extract reveals about his character. Is Hamlet a privileged prince with narcissistic tendencies or is he a deeply sensitive tragic hero?
Час: 10 вересня, 17:00
Для кого: 13–18 років
Вестимуть: Sussan Spellman Cann is a School Counsellor and Registered Psychologist who loves working with youth; Deanne Arada was born in the Philippines. Her family immigrated to Canada when she was four years old. She is a registered Social Worker and works alongside the wellness team; Sheila Stacey is a High School Art teacher but has spent the last few years as a School Counsellor.
Our team’s job is to help promote happy and positive experiences at school. All 3 of us are artists who love to paint and find creative ways to connect with students.
We will focus on how to access and use virtual tools in innovative and authentic ways that will create a variety of options for hoping and coping in an ever-changing world.
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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)