ГО “Смарт освіта” разом з іноземними вчителями проводить пізнавальні онлайн-зустрічі для дітей та підлітків. Щодня публікуємо оновлений розклад.
1. This is You!
Час: 13 жовтня, 11:00
Для кого: 10–14 років
Вестиме: Elsa Canário, Cambridge English Examiner, Portiugal
Today the lesson is yours!
Feel free to prepare a presentation, write a story, or a poem, bring a song, or a book, or simply bring yourself!
До зустрічі! Elsa with Love 💙
2. Draw and Have Fun with Adam
Час: 13 жовтня, 15:00
Для кого: 4–8 років
Вестиме: Adam Anderson, Artist, Illustrator, and teacher based in Tokyo, Japan
Come and enjoy interesting books, funny memes, and cute pictures!
3. Introductory Computer Web Pages
Час: 13 жовтня, 16:00
Для кого: 12–18 років
Вестиме: Lidi Li, a third-year computer science student from The University of Melbourne, Australia
Are you wondering how web pages that you usually access are designed and built? This session is about fundamental websites with 0 background knowledge. Don’t worry about not having previous knowledge!
4. Gentle Yoga Class with Linda (& Her Dog Rider)
Час: 13 жовтня, 18:00
Для кого: 5–18 років
Вестиме: Linda Shore, a seasoned Yoga Instructor
This session will introduce you to Linda (and her cute dog Rider) and give you a chance to try her gentle yoga class. Linda teaches yoga, and her class will start with healthy breathing exercises, and transition into some fun yoga poses and movements that are designed to refresh your body and relax your mind. The class is suitable for all ages – all you have to be able to do is breathe and move your body.
5. Stories and Puppets
Час: 13 жовтня, 19:00
Для кого: 2–18 років
Вестиме: Elaine Jones, Manager, Edmonton Public Library, Canada
Meet Join Dave as he shares some more of his favorite books and shadow puppet plays. Stories to be enjoyed include Musicians of Breman and Everybody Bonjour.
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Титульна ілюстрація: ГО “Смарт освіта” (фото для ілюстрації: Canva)